Copyright © 2004 Laramie Crocker
Contact Laramie

See: lyrics with chords
See: Laramie's Songs
Listen to this song: MP3
leaving for home
I'm leaving for home
I'm leaving this country
I'm leaving this country
on the long ride home

salute me
carry me
salute me
pray for me
for the long ride home

I came as a passenger
came as a warrior
came as a passenger
I am the messenger
on the long ride home

looking up I see
through my gauzy view
I see
Red, White and Blue
I see
Red, White and Blue
over my eyes

looking up I see
my mother over me
the man in the suit
talks about bravery
talks about honor
and glory
she doesn't see
or country

she sees me
she sees me
under Red, White and Blue
with tears
in her eyes

came as a passenger
came as a warrior
came as a passenger
I'm going home as cargo
I'm going home as cargo
on the long ride home

salute me
carry me
salute me
pray for me
on the long ride home
on the long ride home

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